098554M General English

098554M General English | CRICOS Course Code 098554M
Delivered in association with Victory Institute RTO 91161 CRICOS 02678D
Course Description
Collins’ General English courses give you the best opportunity to learn every aspect of English. You will learn English for everyday communication with friends, as well as English for the workplace and for education. You will learn the big four ‘macro’ skills of English – Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Collins’ General English course will equip you with the language skills you need for your everyday life and your future work and education goals.
Our General English courses aim at equipping students with language skills for daily communication, from shopping, travel, and work to social situations.
Entry Requirement
- Be 18 years old or over.
- Latest proof of English proficiency (if applicable).
- Students will need to be placement tested on arrival and placed in the most suitable level for their current language proficiency.
- Students’ progress through the levels is based on their performance.
Delivery and Assessments
The General English courses are delivered through classroom face-to-face instruction, individual and group projects, class presentations and discussions, and educational/cultural excursions. Assessment will be based on attendance, participation, coursework and end-of-course tests. Students will be assessed through progress testing of core textbook content every month.
Note: Students are given a textbook at their entry-level but are required to purchase a new textbook from the next level onwards.
Sample Timetable*
Course Structure
There are 4 levels in this course, including
There are 4 levels in this course, including
- Elementary
- Pre-Intermediate
- Intermediate
- Upper Intermediate
The General English course includes the following components:
- Theme-based language development from core textbook which every student needs to purchase
- Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing Practical English Skills
- Regular reviews and testing of what has been covered throughout the course
- Regular educational and cultural excursions